In this fictional chat you shadow a listener called Morinda taking a general request.

Once the chat gets going, Morinda allows you to choose what to say to the member. The correct choice every time is the one that accurately reflects what the member said. Any other choice is wrong.

You start the chat with 5 stars, but every time you choose wrongly you lose a star. If you lose all 5 stars the chat will end immediately.

Remember to press the blue Send button to send each message.

Anxiety, like other self-diagnosed conditions, rarely means what it says. Often it’s just worry, and life is full of worries.

Advice, too, means whatever people want it to mean. Active listening is a way to help people feel heard and understood, empowering them to solve their problems or at least move forward. Then they often feel they’ve received good advice, even though all that’s really happened is they’ve been advising themselves.

Accurately reflecting what people say is what shows them they are being heard and understood. It’s very the heart of active listening.